Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Web Developer Jobs Online

A Web Developer is specifically a software developer or software engineer engaged in the development of World Wide Web (WWW) applications, or distributed network applications that run over the http protocol using an http server, a web server, and an http client, a web browser. Web Developers handle website administration and web design along with web application development. Web developers are considered as the gatekeepers of the Web. They strictly follow the standards and guidelines created by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) while programming for the web. Web development has become one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The large businesses wishing to sell their products and provide services to their customers including automation of business workflow has helped the web development industry to grow.

Web development jobs are distributed with website application and websites (static and dynamic). Most of the websites are commercially designed to promote any business, information or ecommerce. Some websites are published for government or Non-government information. For the regularity, update and maintenance, web developers are dedicatedly engaged.

Web development is a wide term that embodies all areas of developing a Web site including graphical web design, coding of pages, backend programming, and Web server configuration. Web developers have become successful in delivering applications as Web services instead of their traditional availability as local applications. Hence users can interact with online applications to create new contents instead of running executable code on a local computer. Web development engrosses a lot of planning and analysis for its successful deployment. The development of a web site requires a proper plan. It is essential to explain the purpose of the website. A clarified purpose identifies the target audience and hence the rest of the planning process becomes easier. The target audiences are the group of people who are expected to visit the website. Hence, it is very important to know the requirements of the audience or what exactly they are looking for while visiting a site. Content evaluation and organization requires that the purpose of the website be clearly defined. Collecting a list of the necessary content and then organizing it according to the audience's requirement is very much important for website planning. The process of story boarding is essential for designing a web site. It takes into account the purpose, audience, and content to design the structure of the site suitable for a web site. In short, storyboarding is a prototype for the website for reviewing the website layout and suggests changes, improvements, and enhancements.

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